Saturday, April 28, 2007

Um...tonight I went to Mary's Place for the first time...ever. I'd have to say, it was quite an experience. It is a great place to raise one's self esteem. Above is a list I made while I was there so I wouldn't forget what all I had seen. That's right: 3 Mulletts (two were she-mulletts), a dude wearing sandalls with white socks (even I know better), and some chick wearing see-through heels that would light up every time she took a step. A regular f-ing cinderella.
Speaking of the dentist, I missed my appointment today. I'd like to blame it on the fact that I gave my reminder card away, but I can't. I just slept through my alarm. Oh well...I figure even if I miss my dentist appointments for the next 10 or so years, I'll probably still have more teeth than the crowd at Mary's Place. Go Mary!
"She had red lipstick and a bright pair of shoes."

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