I accidentially bought a fiddle today. Her name is Yolanda. She has a best friend. I guess you could say he is her...(wait for it)..."bow". His name is Engelbert. Sarah named the violin and Michael named the bow. Way to go guys. I have a strick rule about naming things. I can't name my things. Any plants of mine that I have personally named in the past have died. Because of this I make Sarah name most of my things. Michael, you got lucky.
I went to an outstanding show last night. Andrew Bird was at the Sokol Underground. There was not a lot of room, lots of teens, funky smells, and it was totally worth it. I just love him. I think that's pretty much all there is to it. You should check him out. I recommend "The Mysterious Production of Eggs" as a great start. I'm just saying... Did I mention I love him? He may be the size of my right leg, but I think we could work past that. That is if I didn't lose him in my belly button or something.
I'm going to go to sleep. I haven't tuned a fiddle for about 9 years. I'm exhausted.
Hello Net! Just for the record I look at your page also, I just don't have time to look everday. Yolanda looks beautiful.
Hello Net! Just for the record I have been looking at your page also. I just don't have a chance to do it everyday. By the way Yolanda looks nice. I think you sometimes underestimate your family. Even though we may not understand we are proud.Take that how you may.
Love Ya,
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