Friday, June 8, 2007

When I was young...

I grew up outside a small town in the middle of Nebraska. We had forts scattered throughout various shelter belts, rode our bicycles on gravel roads, and our nearest neighbor was 1/2 mile away. I wouldn't change it for the world. Today I took Taya to Morrill Hall and the Capitol. It reminded me of our trip (to the city) to those same places when I was about her age. I was maybe even a few years younger. Today, when we were at the top of the capitol, it didn't seem to be as far up as it did all those years ago. The creatures of the past in Elephant Hall were also less awe-inspiring than I remember. Thinking back on the way things seemed makes me appreciate how amazing childhood can be. It makes me miss the feelings of astonishment which came so easily in my younger years.
Taya is very anxious to be a "teen" and is constantly reminding me that it is only three years away. Today I told her she needs to slow down and not be in such a hurry to grow up. When she asked why, all I could think to say was, "because". Wow...words of wisdom. But I don't think I could put into any words what it feels like to watch her reaction after being splashed by the fountains and to tell her to put that emotion in her pocket and hold onto it for those days in the future when life is bearing down on you and you feel sad. And whenever she needs to step away from the crap life can hand a person, all she needs to do is pull a little bit of the moment by the fountains out of her pocket of throw it in the air. How do you make an "almost-a-teen" slow down and enjoy the little things?

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