Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Don't Hassle the Hoff

Um, I woke up to this photo on my bathroom mirror last week. Talk about "Hoff-induced" morning sickness. David Hasslehoff in a speedo with a leather jacket and a smile is not the first thing I like to see in the morning. Actually, morning or not...I don't like to see that at all!

Well, this morning I woke up to a May basket on the table with a picture of "The Hoff" on it. He was literally covering up his "junk" with two puppies. (gag) I think roommate is trying to get me to move out. I'm sure there are easier ways to get me out, roommate...this is just cruel. I don't like mornings anyway, but to have them flooded with Hoff sightings is a little more than I can handle.

So to any who hate mornings, and think they have it rough...just think of me and what I've been through getting "Hoffed" in the morning, and your morning won't seem so bad. It could be worse, you could be greated with glistening chest hair and pleather.

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