Sarah and I bought Fluffy in 1998. He was our first house plant. After Lane moved in and Lynnett had to leave so they wouldn't get evicted, but Lynnett ended up moving to Casper f-ing Wyoming with some psycho who...wait, what? Sorry, got off track. Anyway, when I moved out I was entrusted with the Fluffster. Sunday night I was watering my plants and stumbled upon this gruesome sight. The little boxer-guy had finally won the battle. We got the little boxer guys in 1998 also. We were leaving Wal-Mart and had some extra quarters (we've all been there), and were sucked in by the quarter machines. This little guy has been living in the same flower pot as Fluffy for nine years. I think that Fluffy just got old. I tend to have a really green thumb. My bedroom looks litke a little mini-jungle. But now...the jungle is one less.
So Fluff, this one is for you.
We brought you home from the check-out stand.
Groceries on one side, you in the other hand.
We watered and loved you and gave you good care.
And you kept living and even bloomed one year.
I hope cactus heaven is lovely and fine.
Because you've poked my finger for the last f-ing time.
Fluffy 1998 - 2007
So are you saying this is my fault?
That's exactly what I'm saying. Here me world!! LANE KILLED FLUFFY!!!
Fluffy's dead?! Holy crap!! Oh, the injustice.
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