Let's play a game. The first person to guess what actually happened will win a prize. Feel free to comment and take a shot at it. It will be well worth your while, that is if you're the winner.
Now that you know Lane, you can't give up the secret. I have to tell you though, you gave up your chance of winning the prize by asking Sarah. That's too bad...a new Wii would have looked so lovely in the basement. Oh well. Thanks for playing. Net.
Fell off your chair at a coffee shop?
Slipped in the shower?
Popped a monster zit?
Got ran over by a reindeer?
Well, so far Lane is in the lead. Chair? no. Shower? no. Zit? close Reindeer? no.
I just found out the real story. (Sarah wasn't going to tell me until I told her I already guessed.)
There is NO way I could have come up with something *that* funny.
Now that you know Lane, you can't give up the secret. I have to tell you though, you gave up your chance of winning the prize by asking Sarah. That's too bad...a new Wii would have looked so lovely in the basement. Oh well. Thanks for playing.
Gigantic mosquito???
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